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Shaved Brussels & Kale Ceasar Salad
It may seem like salads are a layup in the food world, but there's actually a lot more going on behind the scenes.
Watermelon Halloumi Salad
I had big intentions to hype this post because this gorgeous salad is the perfect summer side dish.
Harissa Roasted Cauliflower with Honey-Tahini
Thai Eggplant Salad
Eggplant is the girl who doesn’t give it up on the first date.
When Amazon Prime Now accidentally delivers your entire Whole Foods order TWICE, you have two options: bathe in the 16 blocks of tofu now taking up valuable refrigerator real estate, or make fresh gazpacho with the massive cherry tomato overage. It was a TOUGH call.
Rainbow Summer Rolls with Spicy Almond Butter Sauce
Today’s Salad can be tomorrow’s Summer Roll if you try hard enough.
Almond Crusted Egg Quiches
Before Life in The Q, my kitchen didn’t open until 5pm. The kids ate breakfast on the go and bought school lunches. The hubs was at work all day. It was Benerofe Party of One for breakfast and lunch - until everyone came home from school, activities and work.
Miso Ramen with Crispy Tofu & Soy-Marinated Egg
I’m not intimidated by many things in the kitchen, but sourdough starters, French Macarons and Miso Ramen happen to be on that short list.
Sheetpan Cauliflower Taco Meat
It’s Taco Tuesday…on a Wednesday!